MAIN INGREDUENTS:5-15% Non-ionic Surfactants.Lessthan 5% AnionicSurfactants
1. Place a clean white cloth or thick paper towel under the garent stain, thenthoroughly wet the stained area with the solution.2. Allow the solution to work for 3minutes (for large or stubborn stains,extendthe time appropriately).
3. Continue to gently wipe the stain with a clean damp cloth until all the dirtand solution marks are removed,then rinse with warm water. (lf necessary,repeat the above process to remove stains).
About this item100% Satisfaction Guarantee - We are committed to providing our customers with thebest products and services. lf you are not satisfied with our stain remover for markers,pencils, sharpeners, highlighters, water based markers, permanent markers, please feelfree to contact us.
Powerful and Effective - Our stain remover for markers, pencils, sharpeners, highlighters.water based markers, permanent markers is designed to effectively remove stubbornstains and marks from a wide range of surfaces. it is a safe and eco-friendly altemmative totraditional stain removers that contain harmful chemicals.Easy to Use -Before treating, remove as much of the cause of the stain as possible. Donot dilute. Place an absorbent white cloth beneath stain, Apply solution directly to stain.Tap stain with your finger, pushing it onto the coth beneath it. Rinse with warm water.Notice: This product does not apply to leather, deerskin, acetate or rayon, carpet orcloth coverings. lt is recommended to rinse the test area with war water and follow thewashing label instructions on the garent. Before use , test for color fastness on an incon-spicuous area, may not woon previously treated stains which have gone through is safe and efficient, please feel free to use our remover.
PRO TlP: Iincrease effectiveness by allowing Jiffine to remain on a stain for 1-12 hours(use your discretion) before laundering. As long as a stain lightens after a long application,you can repeat applications to continue removing the stain.
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